Потратил свои кровные на 8 эпизод. Не знаю, в чём проблема, но только переночевал у Лины, и пиздась, слайд-шоу началось. Пытался перезаходить, перепроходить, в настройках копался, ничего не помогло. Но хотя бы переделанная сцена с Найрой была, и очень даже неплохая получилась.
I'll be honest when I got this in my recommendations I was like well let's try it I t doesn't seem like the type of game I would enjoy and actually it exceeded my expectations it's got decent writing and we'll I did finish the game the most I could so it's good sorry if there's bad writing I'm not american hehe but good game
Please wait because DicPic Studio is in Ukraine and there is a war there but Ep8 is planned to be free late spring or early summer but the last Episodes (i don't know how many there will be and it might be just how it was worded but if you are asking when they will be free, I have no clue how many there will be) {sorry if my English is bad or rude, i don't mean to be rude and im learning English}
Thank you. Well, the borders are closed and I'm not a coward to abandon my homeland in times like these.
Well, unfortunately too many people in America were hit by some virus that deprives of both brain and consciousness, and honestly think that befriending bloodthirsty maniac who committed numerous acts of genocide and promised to nuke Washington is a right thing to do, while to "achieve peace" they need to cut supply for air defenses and call our president a dictator because he doesn't wear a tie during war.
Meanwhile the russian terror goes on even harder, they keep precisely hitting the civil apartments each night with dozens of kimikaze drones, and without American supply of air defenses we're helpless. It's literally 9/11 each night. putin wants to push Ukraine into surrender by mass hits on innocent people, and trump helps him by stopping any military aid and cynically saying that "Ukraine wants war."
Thank you. We've got a lot of messages of support and apologies for the shitshow the self-proclaimed dictator does. I know American people are totally on Ukrainian side. Because if one man has sold his courage, heart and mind in exchange of russian dick, it doesn't mean the whole country has forgotten they're the sons of the free and the brave.
There are 8 episodes, (7 on free versions) they dont notify you in any way when you're in the next one. If you're seeing the quest with "ending in the next episode" that is where episode 7 ends (ignoring if you haven't done Halloween)
The war may be ending,I sincerely hope that you are all well,Thank you for bringing me a lot of happiness with your game(My English is not good,There may be a deviation in the meaning expressed)
Politics in America is basically a dick measuring contest. Thats why people should watch the movie idiocracy. It’s actually starting to happen. You will know when y'all watch it. As an American i can proudly state this country has fatally fucked itself with a jagged broken barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun and the leaders have their fingers on the trigger.
If you follow the updates on Patreon (at least by the headlines, you don't need subscription for it), you can see a lot of progress being done. For example just today we got the finished all-new main menu. I believe we should publish the big update this spring.
I want to help answer your question but I’m still learning English, so I’ll do my best to explain things clearly. If anything I say comes across the wrong way, I’m sorry, that’s not my intention at all.
To answer your question, playing the game doesn’t automatically make anyone a furry. People enjoy games for all kinds of reasons: great stories, fun gameplay, or just the art style, everyone’s experience is different, and it’s perfectly okay to enjoy something without it defining who you are. If you’re curious about the furry community, that’s great, And if you’re just here for the adventure and story, that’s great too! The most important thing is to enjoy what you love without feeling pressured to label yourself and I hope you have a good day
I'd say not. Playing or liking a furry game doesn't automatically make you a furry, I play this, hell, I might as well be the community manager, yet I'm not a furry myself.
We’re not really safe since hearing explosions each night has become something routine. Especially after trump cut off the military aid, drones started to breach through and now fly quite literally above my head (with annoying sound). But we’re still alive 3 years in this hell, so I guess I have nothing to complain about.
TBH when we started making the game I didn’t even know the word furry 😅 I just saw them on internet and thought they're very cute compared to classic human porn. I mean anthropomorphic animal-styled characters happen literally everywhere in human culture, including cartoons, advertisements and even ancient Egypt paintings. The same as humans all around the globe love animals, and the paintings of animals were among the first ever art found drawn on the cave walls. There's no child who seeing a kitten wouldn't try to stroke it. So it's like a part of human code - find the animals cute, which can turn into animal-like human (but not the animal itself fortunately) as sexual fantasy.
I don't see furry as a fetish. Fetish is something you clearly have or not. If you have fetish you immediately get hard, but if not you see the object and feel nothing. While I never saw a guy who likes porn, but looking at furries isn't interested one bit.
Hi dicpic, i think that no one should fear being bombed much less have to run to the shelters when they hear a plane or a rocket/missile. I feel for you guys and my heart goes to you and your people.
As an American, i can proudly say we’re fucked. I heard a quote the other day that said ”no amount of evidence can persuade an idiot — mark twain”. it really hits home here. Politics is basically a dick measuring contest in the USA.
Thank you. Indeed, something worrisome is happening in America. I hope they'll stop this insane moron before he ruins everything America was building for decades. He reminds me of Ukrainian yanykovych, who led the country to revolution.
Hello dicpic, I wish you good luck and health. I wanted to ask you about that black furry witch raped me in 6th episode, I just completed it (it is the last in my version) and don't know if she will appear in new episodes. Will she dominate mc so roughly again or mc will have an opportunity to save his dignity?
Well, some wicked people in the neighboring country think endlessly murdering innocent people and striking cities with rockets each night is better than living in peace.
You just had to see the large essays in russian when the war started, where they explained why Ukrainians have no right to exist and must be exterminated. I mean WTF, they played a porn game and then wrote in it's comments that me and my family must be killed - and not just the death wishes, they actually explained and argumented why we should. These people are fucking nuts.
← Return to cutest furry game
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Lilu is the cutest kitty ive ever saw :3 (she gotta share her fish w/ me)
Please can you do story line for "anuta" good look with game
Потратил свои кровные на 8 эпизод. Не знаю, в чём проблема, но только переночевал у Лины, и пиздась, слайд-шоу началось. Пытался перезаходить, перепроходить, в настройках копался, ничего не помогло. Но хотя бы переделанная сцена с Найрой была, и очень даже неплохая получилась.
Не норм👎
Я проходил 12 чесов за два дня и не смог пройти ведь нада привести "naira" но ее сюжетная линия закансиваєтса
Пройти не возможно 8 сезон😡
I'll be honest when I got this in my recommendations I was like well let's try it I t doesn't seem like the type of game I would enjoy and actually it exceeded my expectations it's got decent writing and we'll I did finish the game the most I could so it's good sorry if there's bad writing I'm not american hehe but good game
Thank you a lot
The wolf is so cute
Wait until John asks her for a pawjob 👹
can't wait😈
and keep up the good work on the game👍
How i use item again? I can't use heal while fighting (mobile)
click on the items above first
Will it be translated into Portuguese? (I used Google Translate, there may be spelling mistakes)
Wait.. if the games updates.. does that mean that i need to start over again? qwq
Epsidoe 8 forces a restart due to the beginning being reworked (it's so worth it!)
Rip my 6 hours of playing .w.
There’s 20+ frames animated scene with Naira (of which only cum takes 4 separate animations)
I was wondering if there's anyway to delete the name John I've tried everything but I have an android
Press the ESC button to delete letters.
For the phone, it's tapping two fingers at once
I discovered this game back in 2021 and am still a fan now. Hope things get better soon. Fuck Putin, Fuck Russia.
And fuck Trump. He might not be actively participating in the war, but he's not exactly helping, either.
Fuck all tyrants and dictators, they're all the same.
Thank you, we all feel the same.
Stuck collecting carrot, it tells me i already have one and cant leave the field
You have to put it in the box before you can pick up another one
Waaa! Your game so cool! The music is good tbh!!!1!!1!11!
Thank you. We'll add even more soon
(yummy is like cool for me :p)
Okay, tbh, game is good, but music, is AWFUL. Des need to recreate all of these shitty sounds fr
I am not in the Discord at the moment, but how is Dicpic doing lately? Is he still safe?
Drones keep falling each night just as they did
So much for the cease fire.
Is there any way to delete the name for android users
My guys when the last Episodes gonna bem free?
Please wait because DicPic Studio is in Ukraine and there is a war there but Ep8 is planned to be free late spring or early summer but the last Episodes (i don't know how many there will be and it might be just how it was worded but if you are asking when they will be free, I have no clue how many there will be) {sorry if my English is bad or rude, i don't mean to be rude and im learning English}
the last episode is 100 (50 in two parts). Epsidode 9 will most likely be released during spring
And which month is spring? I'm Asian, so I don't know much about the seasons there.
March 20 - June 20!
How do you get the version with the animated scenes?
As of now there are only 2 animate scenes:
Naira (episode 7, beach scene. free version)
Naira (epsiode1-8, revamped cellar. To access this one, you need episode 8 which currently isn't free)
Thank you
Нормально ли, что когда игра тормозит и вылетает, все сохранения просто исчезают и приходится проходить все заново?
does this have pregnancy
In episode 8, if you dont bring 5 flowers to Naira, there will be a gameover screen of her being pregnant.
There are planned endings that with have optional pregnancy with the main girls.
Is there anyway to name yourself because the game lacks a delete button to remove the default. Surprising oversight.
Dont mind this idiot apparently the escape button is the delete. This guy is a dummy :D
Well he might have a android or a apple idiot your self
When will there be an update?
I think the dev said it will come some time in the spring.
you're right!
i really enjoy the game
also have you ever thought to evacuate too another country?
Anyways stay safe
And with Russia attacking Ukraine all over land(I think) and killing innocent people for no reason i say fuck Russia they can go to hell!
everyone deserves peace except for fucking Russia!
Also I'm a furry :3
Thank you. Well, the borders are closed and I'm not a coward to abandon my homeland in times like these.
Well, unfortunately too many people in America were hit by some virus that deprives of both brain and consciousness, and honestly think that befriending bloodthirsty maniac who committed numerous acts of genocide and promised to nuke Washington is a right thing to do, while to "achieve peace" they need to cut supply for air defenses and call our president a dictator because he doesn't wear a tie during war.
Meanwhile the russian terror goes on even harder, they keep precisely hitting the civil apartments each night with dozens of kimikaze drones, and without American supply of air defenses we're helpless. It's literally 9/11 each night. putin wants to push Ukraine into surrender by mass hits on innocent people, and trump helps him by stopping any military aid and cynically saying that "Ukraine wants war."
I wish you the best of luck
I live in the USA but I hate what trump is doing
Thank you. We've got a lot of messages of support and apologies for the shitshow the self-proclaimed dictator does. I know American people are totally on Ukrainian side. Because if one man has sold his courage, heart and mind in exchange of russian dick, it doesn't mean the whole country has forgotten they're the sons of the free and the brave.
Stay safe, dp.
Good luck, and stay safe.
Bug, After the date with tara the game gets stuck in the loading screen
A huge bug, when i went to buy my house, my game froze in a black screen, intentional?
How di i acces chapter 2 on mobile
There are 8 episodes, (7 on free versions) they dont notify you in any way when you're in the next one. If you're seeing the quest with "ending in the next episode" that is where episode 7 ends (ignoring if you haven't done Halloween)
bad kitty! fire
I can't eat the health flowers, help?? It just closes the menu when i try to
You should tap twice on the flower, not two fingers at once
The war may be ending,I sincerely hope that you are all well,Thank you for bringing me a lot of happiness with your game(My English is not good,There may be a deviation in the meaning expressed)
Politics in America is basically a dick measuring contest. Thats why people should watch the movie idiocracy. It’s actually starting to happen. You will know when y'all watch it. As an American i can proudly state this country has fatally fucked itself with a jagged broken barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun and the leaders have their fingers on the trigger.
Idiocracy is a wonderful movie.... unfortunately america is infact on it's way to make that reality.
Points Lina and trump share:
Not loyal to anyone
Fucked a much younger person on a sex island
Points Lina is different:
Nice tits
Kinda cute
Cooks well
Does hoofjobs
Sucks cock of an American guy instead of russian
Conclusion: vote for Lina 🇺🇸
Honestly, thats fatally accurate
I don't think trump drinks, actually, but the rest of your points still stand.
Was the game just abandoned its been a while since it got an update?
They live in Ukraine, so you can imagine why it's been taking them so long.
It's not abandon, the owners work almost every day, however, they happen to be in Ukraine.
Update is very soon, basically everything is ready.
Will the update come this year?
If you follow the updates on Patreon (at least by the headlines, you don't need subscription for it), you can see a lot of progress being done. For example just today we got the finished all-new main menu. I believe we should publish the big update this spring.
downloaded the updated version and hot damn I was not expecting rock music for the trap section
Good game should have good music. We'll have more cool tracks (some from the library, and a few fans have written cool tracks for us)
First of all congratulations for the game, I have about 2 hours of gameplay and it seems quite intriguing.
Little question, there is a way to get ost/soundtracks mp3 files, some are really nice.
The sound tracks are from the gamemaker itself. I have 2 of the soundtracks on my YouTube channel.
Thank you for sending me these videos but they are not the ones I am looking for.
Thanks anyway for the availability :)
Got any suggestions i could repost?
Which exactly even you refer to?
As i replied to the other message,i want the "hot" ost.
Sorry if i'm disturbing
Thank you. The tracks are from basic rpgmaker library.
Do you remember the name of the "sexy/hot" track?
I only made this account to ask one question
If i played this game does that make me a Furry XD?
And to say hope your team and families are safe in Ukraine
I want to help answer your question but I’m still learning English, so I’ll do my best to explain things clearly. If anything I say comes across the wrong way, I’m sorry, that’s not my intention at all.
To answer your question, playing the game doesn’t automatically make anyone a furry. People enjoy games for all kinds of reasons: great stories, fun gameplay, or just the art style, everyone’s experience is different, and it’s perfectly okay to enjoy something without it defining who you are. If you’re curious about the furry community, that’s great, And if you’re just here for the adventure and story, that’s great too! The most important thing is to enjoy what you love without feeling pressured to label yourself and I hope you have a good day
Im not an English speaking myself but yours is outstanding and yes guess i just played it for the story 10/10
can't wait for ep9 👌
I'd say not. Playing or liking a furry game doesn't automatically make you a furry, I play this, hell, I might as well be the community manager, yet I'm not a furry myself.
We’re not really safe since hearing explosions each night has become something routine. Especially after trump cut off the military aid, drones started to breach through and now fly quite literally above my head (with annoying sound). But we’re still alive 3 years in this hell, so I guess I have nothing to complain about.
TBH when we started making the game I didn’t even know the word furry 😅 I just saw them on internet and thought they're very cute compared to classic human porn. I mean anthropomorphic animal-styled characters happen literally everywhere in human culture, including cartoons, advertisements and even ancient Egypt paintings. The same as humans all around the globe love animals, and the paintings of animals were among the first ever art found drawn on the cave walls. There's no child who seeing a kitten wouldn't try to stroke it. So it's like a part of human code - find the animals cute, which can turn into animal-like human (but not the animal itself fortunately) as sexual fantasy.
I don't see furry as a fetish. Fetish is something you clearly have or not. If you have fetish you immediately get hard, but if not you see the object and feel nothing. While I never saw a guy who likes porn, but looking at furries isn't interested one bit.
The Ifunny watermark 😔
Please be safe out there "a game is just a game" but your life is something else
Hi dicpic, i think that no one should fear being bombed much less have to run to the shelters when they hear a plane or a rocket/missile. I feel for you guys and my heart goes to you and your people.
As an American, i can proudly say we’re fucked. I heard a quote the other day that said ”no amount of evidence can persuade an idiot — mark twain”. it really hits home here. Politics is basically a dick measuring contest in the USA.
Thank you. Indeed, something worrisome is happening in America. I hope they'll stop this insane moron before he ruins everything America was building for decades. He reminds me of Ukrainian yanykovych, who led the country to revolution.
Can I get a meow?
I still wait for any updates
And i hope you are ok and safe
Best luck to survive this hell
Thank you. I hope we'll finally release it this spring, but we can't promise anything for reasons happening here.
meow :3
Hello dicpic, I wish you good luck and health. I wanted to ask you about that black furry witch raped me in 6th episode, I just completed it (it is the last in my version) and don't know if she will appear in new episodes. Will she dominate mc so roughly again or mc will have an opportunity to save his dignity?
P.s.:Sorry if my English too bad
There will be more scenes for her later on, as for your question on what she will do: I have no clue
It's not rape, it's femdom 😅 She will have more domination scenes, however John will have his revenge dominating on her as well.
Dicpic man I hope you are well, I pray that this fucking war between Russia and Ukraine ends so that you can finish this masterpiece peacefully
Well, some wicked people in the neighboring country think endlessly murdering innocent people and striking cities with rockets each night is better than living in peace.
I think they don't "think" that much.
I agree
You just had to see the large essays in russian when the war started, where they explained why Ukrainians have no right to exist and must be exterminated. I mean WTF, they played a porn game and then wrote in it's comments that me and my family must be killed - and not just the death wishes, they actually explained and argumented why we should. These people are fucking nuts.
Anyway, a question, haven't you thought of a translation into Spanish?
A peaceful sky over your head
Do you like System of a Down?
Hello DicPic Studio! Can i test the game for bugs for you?