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First of all, I really enjoy this game, but I have to complete my academic tasks now, so I rarely have time to play games in the future. However, I will still take some time to come and play, not just because of love, but also because of my sincere wishes from my heart. I hope this game will continue to improve on my future journey.


I want to see Naira get fucked by the horse so bad


I don't like horse


There're two types of ITW players 

Does anyone have step by step instructions on what to do in the Halloween special, I'm lost

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Where are you? If your at the start do the water maze sammy made but dont go to the exit instead go back (it's kinda complicated but good luck)

Managed to clear it, thank you! Now just wait for the next updates 


I have already completed the latest chapter and now I am here every day to check if it will be updated, because I really like it ω`‹)

They said around april first (you can see it down in the comments further)


Thank you


are you planning on making more animated scenes?


Actually we plan to make only animated scenes from now on


thats fire, very happy to see yall active


how do i even defeat anita and the maid ?

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So you need to dirty talk the maid then troll anita and then hit anita repeat that till anita is naked then dirty talk the maid till anita gets bored then goes away whem its just maid you dirty talk lusty action, shout lusty action, flirt shout lusty action, then flirt dirty talk lusty action grab duster


Qué lástima que este videojuego parece que está abandonado me pregunto si algún día saldrá el episodio 9 y 10 o si acaso la creadora liberará al público la versión de especial de Navidad en una APK porque jugarlo en mi computador es muy pesado


Abandoned...? Its not the reason updates are so rare or take so long is because there in Ukraine and well... you know the war so just be patient and if you read the commets below a bit they said ep 9 is gonna be released around april 1st

Thank you very much for the information but the truth is I don't believe that they are really going to release episode 9 so soon


Have faith 


Hey hey, greetings to everyone again! I would like to know how things are going with the development of part 9. The game, as I said, is very cool. I would like to continue to see her grow forward and develop. Well, along with the growth of the game comes an asset.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey-hey, greetings, dear community of this game! I already wrote a comment below and my words were confirmed. This game is just bomb! At this point I believe I started the Halloween thread. What really saddens me is that this is essentially the completion of the available parts. However, I also know that updates are still being made. This calms me down. This game has entered my heart very deeply and I don’t want to lose it.

In any case... This was not the original meaning of my comment... I, as requested, sat by the fire and was told about Halloween. But that’s the question... What’s next? Either I didn't understand something, or I didn't see something... But I don't know what to do next. Can you give me some advice pleasI? 

I didn’t understand how exactly to unlock the house, where to go and what to do?

did you talk to Naira? If you did talk to her at the fire go to your house and enter your mind (if you have ep 8) without ep 8 you go to the house and write In a book to enter Halloween episode


I understand about the house, I have another question...I was told that I need to get somewhere to unlock the house. The place to get a house was called something like..."Home Sweet Hole". I can not find it


To start the home sweet hole quest talk to the Queen in the castle 


Hmm, I just approached the Queen. She says exactly the same thing as she said before. I heard absolutely nothing from the dialogue about this part. I ran a little more around the plan, but nothing seemed to change. When arriving at Nara, I have the option to start the beach scene again. I also didn't complete the quest in the store for 50 coins. Perhaps this is stopping me from progressing through the story?


No, I apologize for wasting your time with me. It's my fault, I didn't see something. Now everything seems to be working. Thanks to everyone who made me!

it says "not available" when i go to queen

you can start home sweet holes but can't finish it unless you have ep 8


Hey dev of this game, I find this game entertaining for the wrong reasons. I would prefer a hard mode where traps dont get easy if you die alot. I like how sometimes when the game lags you can clip out of bounds, and I like running as fast as car. I dont know how far in the game I am, but so far this js prettt fun, its a top down game with tight controls. The traps and such are fun to navigate, and When johny falls into a pit like a cartoon charcter I cant help but chuckle. Thanks dev man

I just noticed many things in the game is bonus

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Ep 1-8 celler is way harder than walk around (also ep 1-8 traps don't get easier)


They get when you die several times 


Thank you. Did you find the emerald in the traps zone?


Funny you say that, as after the furry perosn told me to find some healing plants. The first thing I did is look arround, and like normal O look for funny secrers, and I found the chest with the emerald. I think it belong to furry person, and I like how main charcter can steal. After that, I did get all the healing plants, but I could not heal. The game I think told me to hold to use items, so I tried but nothing happened, and so I just mashed my finger all arround the screen, and nothing would work. I need to restart. Please add skip sex scene button, its bonus.

Greed got the best of me

Also please allow to turn off lewd stufd otherwise my finger hurts after just 1 sex scene and a round of going arround the class and giving names along with one fun fact. Left beef

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You can just hold down on your screen during a scene also uh its a porn game I doubt there will be a no lewd option

If you're playing on Android you just have to click on the items above first, then on the plants. By stealing you're being overly serious, it's just a little secret item 😅

To be honest the scenes don't feel the same without that music


Well... This game gave me a double feeling...

This is not just an ordinary 18+ game, it is something more... A game that gives you not only what you came to this site for, but also charismatic characters. You feel them behind the screen, you understand them, you understand their character. For you, these are not just dummies written in code, they feel like real personalities.

Yes, if you look at the fact that I describe a game of this type this way... It sounds quite strange... But I can safely say that the emotions are not feigned. Well done, you created a great game. I like everything: the plot, the characters, and the style. I hope this game takes off and becomes very popular, you really deserve it.

I'm a newbie at the moment and haven't played through the game yet. I recently completed a quest with Tara and can already say these words.

I really hope that you are not going to give up the game for many years to come, otherwise something good is really missing right now... (Am I right...?)

In any case, we will wait for further updates and popularity.

Once again I thank you for the game and wish you good luck!

Good luck and welcome to the jungle




Thank you very much. Much more content is planned 

I called my charcter john arbuckle :)


Is there a game port for iPhone?

Probally never will be, as apps must be on the app store to install last time I checked. The only other way is using Icloud to import custom unauthorised apps.

есть ли порт для айфона?


Very nice game, really like it. Great work.

I really love the models.

One another thing, there is mentioned pregnancy in planed tags. Will it be in a way, that the girls will stop using their pills after discussing it with you? So you can avoid it?

Avoid pregnancy? If so (spoiler)

Naira after her first scene when you get ep 8 uses flowers As a plan b instead of ep 1-7 John using them to heal


Pregnancy will be. Also, you can try not to gather the berries in time ;)


But regardless of the final outcome, I will always love this game. I don't have many sweet words, but I hope this game can become more popular.


Thank you, well only keep improving 


Alright, game, you have my attention. 

(1 edit)

Welcome to the jungle


We got fun and games

We got everything you want, honey, we know the names

We are the people that can find whatever you may need

If you got the money, honey, we got your disease


Cool! Also we made a new location and scene instead this one 😅

I got a question what's the fight theme in ep 8? (against Anita and the maid)


From rpg maker library, almost everything from it 



But I have to say one thing, I am usually a relatively lonely person who enjoys playing games, but only this game has touched my heart the most. The reason why I always ask when Chapter 9 will come out is because I am very afraid that this game will suddenly stop one day, because I love this game, and I love everything about this game

Ep9 will be free when you can buy ep 10




Thank you. Ep 9 should be ready soon. We halted the release because people voted to make all three scenes animated

We are getting 3 animated scenes in ep9?!?!?!

Yeah. People voted to animate everything so despite the huge development time we decided to make it 


how fucking long is this


You've seen the horse guy scene with Naira I suppose :D

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when does the next episode come out for free?

Ep 8 will be for free when you can buy ep 9 (the cycle continues like that)

Can anyone help with with the This is Halloween quest? I don't know how to get the ticket

First skip the time at the bonfire from evening to night, then start at your home


Honestly all the perverted things aside. The game is amazing, Everything from the story to the visuals. The ending scene with Naira got me feeling in a strange way. Almost as if I'm jealous of a relationship the character and herself have developed. And genuinely hope they will end up being a couple. As a lonely man I have never felt this way about a game and really felt emotional. I cannot describe it. Either way the game is amazing and I really hope this project will develop into a full scale game with hours of playtime. I cannot describe how much I enjoyed this game so far. 


Thank you a lot!

honestly I can agree with you the lore itself is very interesting I wish I could play the game more if I had the mood to for the dev meanwhile don't give up 


you should make a gallery in the game some of the scenes like the cat girl i wanted to fap to them again without having to make a new game or loading a save

This will be in the next updates 

Excuse me, will chapters nine and ten be released around April Fool's Day? I am looking forward to it very much.

Something near that 


Great game,  can't wait for the next episode!  Hope you're doing well and feeling great!


Thank you 


HI I was just wondering, When will episode #9 be out ?

(1 edit)

9 will be out for free when 10 is available to buy




Does a downloaded game update as new versions are released?

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I think yes but when getting episode 8 it resets data because of new scene


um question whats the fastest way to get a sex scene???

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The first sex scene but real talk just do missions there a scene in almost every one

Just beat ep 8 and oh my god the first scene revamp is such a major improvement from the old first scene my time to beat ep 1-8 is  9:31:39


Naira deserves it :) With the next episode we'll get to 10 hours of gameplay 

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hey I found a glitch when walking in the android apk so there's 2 modes of walking tap to walk and joystick I clicked joystick and it works but it also uses tap to move


We decided to keep it this way since you can't immediately change it in the settings 

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Why does this already have 50 views like the last video I set it to link only

This has 204 views... why

264... mhm i should put link to the game in comments


Oh, by the way, may I ask if you have your own account on Twitter? I would like to follow it because I really can't describe how much I love this game, please


I almost don't write anything there 


Oh,okay, but I'm really looking forward to the content of Chapter 9 of the game now.

when is the next update being released?

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When ep 9 is out and costs money ep 8 will be free and it will keep going like that, for example when ep 10 is out 9 will be free

(2 edits)

I actually bought it when it was on sale for $2 [You purchased the Adult game on 2021-12-17 12:46:36 for $2.00 (69% off) with the email]

that date listed is when I bought it

uhh congratulations?

I'm stuck at the fire wall what I'm I doing wrong? 

When you get caught between the two, wait till the right one starts moving 

thank you 

The lore is interesting as I played the other episodes (prolly ep 4? Or 3)


Hello developer, I come from another country and I really like this game. I watch it every day, hoping that this game can continue to develop.


Thank you


The first sex scene is too long. but that's not the issue, the issue is skipping is very slow.


I guess the skip button works very fast

(3 edits)

Took me long enough but i think i know how to join the discord server btw do i need to pay to join the discord server?


You should connect it in the Patreon settings and you'll be added automatically 

How do i connect it?

are there any way to go back to scenes or do i have to reload or restart 

(1 edit) (+1)

Restart however some scenes like with sammy can be replayed (p.s there adding gallery soon)


Lot's of pictures showing gifs, about an hour in and have yet to find one. 


The Gifs are available in episode 8, the current free episode that is available on the web browser is episode 7. When episode 9 is released it likely that episode 8 will be made available for free.

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God, I really can’t figure out how to fight with anita and maid near the house in the forest for 2 days already, maybe I’m stupid, but if it’s not difficult, give me a hint pls ;-;

Its stated in the comments below

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