Its difficult but as far as i remember dirty talk the maid then troll Anita then hit her repeat this multiple times until shes naked the keep dirty talking maid till Anita gets bored and goes away then keep trying to beat the maid (never use grab duster until it says she drops her duster) now if you don't have the patients to figure out how to beat maid come back and I'll tell you how to beat her.
when she's naked constantly use actions on the maid then she will give up and leave the fight (it takes like 4-6 actions used on the maid before she goes away, also I recommend when Anitas naked you use dirty talk on maid until anita gives up)
честно сказать, это самая лучшая игра в категории фуррей. это в самом деле божественно. в некоторых местах у меня мурашки по телу пробежали.. хоть я и с России(ненавижу её) я вас хочу поддержать, так как вы сделали идеальным то что многие делают так, что аж выворачивает от мерзости, а особенно в фурри категории. спасибо вам за эту прелесть.
"Honestly, this is the best game in furry categories. this is for real divine. in some places I have goosebumps ran through my body... even though I Russia (I hate her) I want you support as you did It's ideal that many people do this which makes you sick to your stomach with disgust, and especially in the furry category. Thank you to you for this beauty."
Hey, I wanted to ask. When episode 8 releases (for free). Will I be able to continue my game (im playing on Android and in internet I haven't downloaded the game) where I left off or do I have to do it all again?
This quest is not the end of episode 1 but episode 7, that's unfortunately all, episode 8 can be purchased to see what happens after, but I don't advise you straight because episode 9 is due to be released soon, and episode 8 will be free
Ok, your already in episode 7 home sweet holes is the last free mission (until episode 8 is out, it's coming this month) so you can't finish that mission until you either buy episode 8 now or wait till its free (do not buy it, it's free this month as I've said before).
I purchased the Episodes 1-8 so would I have to then purchase episode 9 when it comes out to play it or will I get it when it comes out because I already spent money on it.
No. If you already paid. Itch io should recognize your email or something so you can just download it at the "Games I own" if you have an itch account.
??? I'll answer a question I think your asking, ep 8 will be free this month (sometime it's not on an exact date) and nine will be free sometime in the future, and be patient remember the creators are in Ukraine right now and that stupid fucking war is still happening.
Your welcome. I’m making a game about these two characters the cats name is curly and the wolfs name is terry and it’s going to be a dating simulator and love story game it’s going to be called Terry and Curly’s Love story idk I haven’t came up with a name but the game is going to be a chapter game so it’s going to have multiple chapters and maybe a few new different characters the first chapter will be called Love at first sight. But anyway when I make this game and post it on here hopefully people will like it.
Sometime this month (it's not confirmed exactly but they did say this month and also be aware that might change because they are in Ukraine and the war is still happening)
sorry for not replying sooner.... by 34 days.. but gallery should be released in episode 9 or 10 (I do NOT know this for a fact) however it says gallery will be there in episode 8 dream zone.
I'm super excited to be able to have more fun and explore new areas with Naria in the future, and I hope you will make it to where Naria is WILLING to let me (the player) get her pregnant so we can start a happy little family together.
You guys did mention on your patreon page you would include that and some other new and fun features soon. Just out of curiosity, how often/soon will things be added and (stupid but obvious question) will I have to update the game when those new features become active?
Also, will more new missions become available in the next big upcoming update?
Other than that, it's a great game so far, and I'm looking forward to what comes next!
The pregnancy in the end will be. In the coming episode we'll add new fishing and cooking mechanics and a few smaller improvements. It'll have two big quests with 4 scenes.
EEEEEEE!!! Well, now I'm REALLY looking forward to episode 9!! ✨🤘😍👍✨
Man, I wish I could donate money to you and help further develop this incredibly entertaining game, but I'm afraid I don't have nor use a card or PayPal.
um... I'm not entirety sure how to answer this for you, but i will try my best. I do think that she will apppear at some point, HOWEVER, after you finish a "certain scene " when you go back to your house, go over to your throne and interact with it, if you can that is. There, you will try and picture what judy (The walkie-talkie girl) looks like. I hope my reply to you answers your question, BigTonyOfGames.
I have a question that i dont know if you've answered before, if i buy episode 1-8 will i get access to episode 1-9 when its released? or would I need to buy the new episode?
how do you progress past the first real quest on mobile? the one where you have to collect all 5 purple plants. I've gotten all five, but have no idea how to use them, tapping on them doesn't select it, and tapping with both fingers just goes back to the inventory. is this a bug of mobile, something on my end, or I just dont know how to do it?
Unfortunately as i understand (im not sure if right so dont quote me) Russia is blocked from certain things like the patreon and purchasing episodes here (due to the war), so you wont be able to
I played through the game, but I couldn't figure out Lilu's quests and failed them. Is there a way to redo it? If there is, how do you do them? I couldn't get the logs and threw an axe through someone's window.
How do i open the chest at ep7 i already built the bridge what do i need to open it please tell me i spent 2 hours clicking ok on every thing, and thank you
Actually it'll take a bit more since people voted to animate the third scene of the episode too. There will be four scenes including four different animated cums, so the episode will be the biggest we ever made
it's the second location to enter in the game, when you see a ruined home like structure go down the stairs it has and then traverse the celler, then there she is
Theres one animated sex scene with Naira (without ep 8) but when you get ep 8 theres 2 animated with Naira (p.s every episode, 9 and up will be animated) so don't worry beat the game get Nairas scene, get ep 8 (will be free near april first) and get the (very) long and very amazing scene with Naira
if you look at the resent comments dicpic said "it will take a bit longer because everyone voted for animated scenes" (something along the lines of that)
I'm gonna say this again: if you look at the resent comments dicpic said "it will take a bit longer because everyone voted for animated scenes" (something along the lines of that)
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Guys, help me win fucking Anita
Its difficult but as far as i remember dirty talk the maid then troll Anita then hit her repeat this multiple times until shes naked the keep dirty talking maid till Anita gets bored and goes away then keep trying to beat the maid (never use grab duster until it says she drops her duster) now if you don't have the patients to figure out how to beat maid come back and I'll tell you how to beat her.
it didnt help(
Damn, sorry so can you give me a bit of a "hint" on where in the fight your stuck in?
when Anita is naked. I sat for 2 hours and used all the methods
when she's naked constantly use actions on the maid then she will give up and leave the fight (it takes like 4-6 actions used on the maid before she goes away, also I recommend when Anitas naked you use dirty talk on maid until anita gives up)
Heres a translation
"Very good game, love comes from across the Pacific"
yep that's accurate, thanks for google translating Chinese mate
No problem
честно сказать, это самая лучшая игра в категории фуррей. это в самом деле божественно. в некоторых местах у меня мурашки по телу пробежали.. хоть я и с России(ненавижу её) я вас хочу поддержать, так как вы сделали идеальным то что многие делают так, что аж выворачивает от мерзости, а особенно в фурри категории. спасибо вам за эту прелесть.
Here's a translation to what they said
"Honestly, this is the best game in furry categories. this is for real divine. in some places I have goosebumps ran through my body... even though I Russia (I hate her) I want you support as you did It's ideal that many people do this which makes you sick to your stomach with disgust, and especially in the furry category. Thank you to you for this beauty."
Hey, I wanted to ask. When episode 8 releases (for free). Will I be able to continue my game (im playing on Android and in internet I haven't downloaded the game) where I left off or do I have to do it all again?
You'll need to restart because of the reworked beginning but trust me it's worth it
And it will be free this month so don't sweat
Hey bro, thanks. I see you here very often. Are you one of the developers or just a fan?
Me? I'm just a fan.
thank you for helping people)
no problem
Thank you a lot
I Finished the Game ? What i Have to do to Go to episode 2 ?
This quest is not the end of episode 1 but episode 7, that's unfortunately all, episode 8 can be purchased to see what happens after, but I don't advise you straight because episode 9 is due to be released soon, and episode 8 will be free
Ok, your already in episode 7 home sweet holes is the last free mission (until episode 8 is out, it's coming this month) so you can't finish that mission until you either buy episode 8 now or wait till its free (do not buy it, it's free this month as I've said before).
Can someone help im playing on Android and im stuck at the healing plants quest i don't know how to consume the planets.
She runs around the area, you need to find her 3 times (she hides half way behind things but you can see a chunk of her sprite)
I purchased the Episodes 1-8 so would I have to then purchase episode 9 when it comes out to play it or will I get it when it comes out because I already spent money on it.
No. If you already paid. Itch io should recognize your email or something so you can just download it at the "Games I own" if you have an itch account.
I am having issues with Lina's room... Help me, episode 7... I know it's a puzzle, but I've interacted with all I could!
Nevermind, got it!
How much has the game been updated in 1.5years? (Free stuff)
How so long update ep 9 and ep 8 no free?
??? I'll answer a question I think your asking, ep 8 will be free this month (sometime it's not on an exact date) and nine will be free sometime in the future, and be patient remember the creators are in Ukraine right now and that stupid fucking war is still happening.
If I started playing today and finished to ep 8 will I be able to continue when the next update drops? (I played in the browser not the download)
Is it possible for data saved in browser to be transferred?
Technically yes but complicated, there's a guide for rpgmaker games.
Episode 8 costs money (for now) just so you know, and when Episode 8 comes out your data will get reset due to Nairas first scene remake
wait seriously
yes, there's a data reset but it's well worth it and episode 8 is becoming free this month.
I can’t eat the heart flowers on mobile
don't worry I got you
10/10 Absolutely beautiful and amazing game and gameplay definitely my favorite furry dating game I’ve ever played
Thank you
Your welcome. I’m making a game about these two characters the cats name is curly and the wolfs name is terry and it’s going to be a dating simulator and love story game it’s going to be called Terry and Curly’s Love story idk I haven’t came up with a name but the game is going to be a chapter game so it’s going to have multiple chapters and maybe a few new different characters the first chapter will be called Love at first sight. But anyway when I make this game and post it on here hopefully people will like it.
awsom sound good
When ep8 be free(date)
Sometime this month
Another good thing to be excited about this month for me
is ep8 gona be free for android and if yes then wich date
Will. Soon.
Do saves not transfer over updates. Bought 1.8 and my save is in the continue screen but will not let me load it at all. (Android)
1-8 has different start. Remastered scene to be exact. So saves from earlier versions don't work.
In ither words from what Nihtovic said your data gets deleted due to remastered first scene
dang it 🤣 I mean cool but the campaign took me a while
When will ep 8 be free???(like actual date)
Sometime this month (it's not confirmed exactly but they did say this month and also be aware that might change because they are in Ukraine and the war is still happening)
Any plans on anding a gallery for scenes you have already got
In episode 8 theres am area with a gallery but you sadly cant use it quite yet, it may be added in ep9 or later.
I'm super excited to be able to have more fun and explore new areas with Naria in the future, and I hope you will make it to where Naria is WILLING to let me (the player) get her pregnant so we can start a happy little family together.
You guys did mention on your patreon page you would include that and some other new and fun features soon. Just out of curiosity, how often/soon will things be added and (stupid but obvious question) will I have to update the game when those new features become active?
Also, will more new missions become available in the next big upcoming update?
Other than that, it's a great game so far, and I'm looking forward to what comes next!
The pregnancy in the end will be. In the coming episode we'll add new fishing and cooking mechanics and a few smaller improvements. It'll have two big quests with 4 scenes.
EEEEEEE!!! Well, now I'm REALLY looking forward to episode 9!! ✨🤘😍👍✨
Man, I wish I could donate money to you and help further develop this incredibly entertaining game, but I'm afraid I don't have nor use a card or PayPal.
There should be a way to where pregnancy is an option just like how Nairas remaster.
(Sorry I couldn't respond sooner.)
Myst ery, I was not referring to the GAME OVER screen when you fail to collect the five flowers. 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
(I was saying that to dicpic)
And also I never knew about the gameover screen.
Oh! 😐 erm... hehe... Ok, nevermind then. 😅
So, the walkie talkie girl, she is going to appear in some point of the game?
um... I'm not entirety sure how to answer this for you, but i will try my best. I do think that she will apppear at some point, HOWEVER, after you finish a "certain scene " when you go back to your house, go over to your throne and interact with it, if you can that is. There, you will try and picture what judy (The walkie-talkie girl) looks like. I hope my reply to you answers your question, BigTonyOfGames.
She appears in episode 8 "dream zone" (i dont know the area name but if you check it out you'd know)
so i have a question. can you avoid all the ntr scenes in the halloween episode?
also is there ntr scenes in the main game? i really like this game and i love the characters
and the last question, will the game be available on steam some day?
you can avoid one, they're only in Halloween
nice :)
thank you
It's really a good game and I like it.
why me there no sex scene ? just blackscreen and text only??>?
It might be a problem with your device, have you tried software updating? Or just restarting your browser, because that (obviously) shouldn't happen.
no my laptop is fine, there no sex with the gift like 3 picture upper
just picture just text only no sex scene with that gift
ohhh...... so you see the scene but not animated? (I think that's what your saying) so there's only 2 animated scenes
1. Episode 8 begins
2. End of Episode 6 (summer Episode)
So in other words the first two gifs are episode 8 (reworked celler) and the one with Naira in the Beach in episode 6
is there ever gonna be footjob scene?
In the coming episodes. First with Naira, and in the future with the Governor.
When is part 8 coming out for free and is it gona be free for android?
How do i practice talking to a girl. It doesn't tell me where to go?
Finish the date with farmer first
I have a question that i dont know if you've answered before, if i buy episode 1-8 will i get access to episode 1-9 when its released? or would I need to buy the new episode?
I remember that answer is you get access to episode 9 as well .
how do you progress past the first real quest on mobile? the one where you have to collect all 5 purple plants. I've gotten all five, but have no idea how to use them, tapping on them doesn't select it, and tapping with both fingers just goes back to the inventory. is this a bug of mobile, something on my end, or I just dont know how to do it? don't sweat I got you
ahhh, you had to double tap the actual inventory tab first. rip me lol, tyvm
No problem
R u guys gonna add moaning sounds in the sex scenes???
We have such plans
It would be sick if u add it
will ep 8 ever be free?
In April
One april later
It'll take a bit longer so dont worry
Show post...
How do you get fishing rod?
top of map is a fishing rod
Who knows how to financially help the project, I am from the Russian Federation
Unfortunately as i understand (im not sure if right so dont quote me) Russia is blocked from certain things like the patreon and purchasing episodes here (due to the war), so you wont be able to
I played through the game, but I couldn't figure out Lilu's quests and failed them. Is there a way to redo it? If there is, how do you do them? I couldn't get the logs and threw an axe through someone's window.
Failing this quest is scenario-based, it'll continue the next day
Thank You!
How do i open the chest at ep7 i already built the bridge what do i need to open it please tell me i spent 2 hours clicking ok on every thing, and thank you
Use the other character after the bridge is ready (also the chest is bonus, you don't need it to complete the episode)
tank you very much you mean the blacksmith or someone else
I am on android is the other character the black Smith or some one else? Because the black Smith doesn't work if ur talking about him
How long will episode 9 be?
7095 words, according to DicPic.
lol, it's only one scene of four 😅
How far away is it
Twelve-ish days until ep 8 is free to public.
Actually it'll take a bit more since people voted to animate the third scene of the episode too. There will be four scenes including four different animated cums, so the episode will be the biggest we ever made
Oh, Nice good to know
It's the text for only one of four scenes 👹

Holy shit thats only one scene?
The biggest episode ever 😅
Wait seeing as how long this one scene is in ep 9..... how long was Nairas remake in ep 8?
near the same
Where is the cellar to find naira?
its in the southern ruins. go down the map to find the boat
it's the second location to enter in the game, when you see a ruined home like structure go down the stairs it has and then traverse the celler, then there she is
Theres one animated sex scene with Naira (without ep 8) but when you get ep 8 theres 2 animated with Naira (p.s every episode, 9 and up will be animated) so don't worry beat the game get Nairas scene, get ep 8 (will be free near april first) and get the (very) long and very amazing scene with Naira
yeah me too just photo only not video or gift like the profile upper
How long free ep 8 update
On april 1st ep 8 will be free
what about for people who paid will we get the new without needing to buy again
I don't know
oh ok
You sure?
if you look at the resent comments dicpic said "it will take a bit longer because everyone voted for animated scenes" (something along the lines of that)
it's april 4th already but it didnt free
I'm gonna say this again: if you look at the resent comments dicpic said "it will take a bit longer because everyone voted for animated scenes" (something along the lines of that)