After I finished the 7th episode, I uploaded the 8th episode. But my save file in episode 7 appeared to be corrupt. My records on episode 7 turned grey, and no matter how hard I tried to continue, it didn't work. how can i solve this problem
The reason it reset is because of the massive revamp of the first scene (the one with Naira) it's well worth it in my opinion, but there is some complicated 3rd party method to get your file back. However I doubt it's worth the trouble of not seeing the revamped scene
You were right. It’s really worth replaying Episode 8 from the start. I especially loved that Naira can get pregnant and that we have the option to allow or prevent it for a certain time. And also, this "Game Over" screen became a "Happy Ending" screen for me. 😋
Sometime this summer episode 8 will most likely be free, but then after that you'll be able to purchase episode 9 then that cycle will most likely repeat to the end of its development, so maybe when the game is finish it will be free
I really like your game ,keep the good work up ,but more recent updates would be better but I know you guys are facing rocket terror and electricity shortage so it's fine. May god help all the workers at Dicpic studios through hard times like these.
Devs said it will be released on summer, and yes summer is almost over but they are under rocket terror and they have limited electricity because of the war.
It is ok. There is an animated scene (only one) in the 8 episode. In the 7 episode, the scenes are static.
Edit: I put it wrong. In the game with the 8 episode, the first sex scene has been changed - it is not static. In the 7-episode version, all the scenes are static. Oh, no. I remembered: the sex scene with Naira on the beach is not static in both versions of the game.
Like drug dealer said, episode 8 revamped Nairas first scene to be animated, best scene in the game thus far in my opinion, and another animated is after dating Naira on the beach.
Make the maid embarrassed then troll anita then hit anita (repeat this till anitas naked) the constantly do actions with the maid to make anita lose intrest (repeat this like 4-7 times) by the way you can heal when making anita lose interest. Hope this helps you, reply to this message if you need help with phase 2
I found a softlock, the talking part with Tara right before the date (the talking stage where I get a quest to light up fireplace). It will softlock if I hold tab (to speed dialogue) from the beginning.
My explanation is that she has a walking action, then turning in cycle to show her new outfit, then action to sit. But when I hold tab, it will trigger new action without ending the first action, therefore softlocking. (Idk im dumb but wanna help lol)
Ps I love this game, love the story, the girls and the theme. Dicpic is doing really good job. Also love dicpic's opinion on porn games, that they are underrated and not bad to society.
Translation: Does anyone know how to complete the mini game with balls in the Halloween episode? I kicked balls into boxes, haystacks, and characters. And nothing happens.
Answer: hit all of the people with the balls in a row (not a specific order) to win
The 5 pink flowers you need to collect at the start, before episode 8 you used them to heal but now that Naira has a 100% revamped scene it changed to birth control
Hey DP Studio. the menu doesn't work have the times i end up having to refresh the page and losing progress. maybe could you add an actual menu button?
i played the free episode 1-7 download.. gosh! i miss that grey wolf girl!~ but i already know what happens an i wish there was more of a thing for the game where you can breed the charactors over again rather than loading the last save before you end episode 1-7. this game i really liked alot and hope that dicpic keeps updating it!~~ i gotta wait till newer updates show before i redownload it an redo everything again~ course i dont remember seeing much girls in that download like dicpic said ive only seen the town which was three or four only.
Hi. what engine is your game made on? I thought "RPG Maker", I wanted to open it through Translator++, like many others, but this application refuses me, referring to the fact that it does not use RPG Maker. It wouldn't be bad if you were prompted
nope, remember your account or Email. But my advice is to get an account, this will remember what you already have paid for, but otherwise whenever you pay or donate for a game, you have to write your email as a reference
i need help, i recently started playing the game, then i paid to get the full version, what do i do now ? should i extract the new 1-8 and press yes for everything or press no to everything so it keep the old files but add the new stuff ?, you probably got this question quite often
also amazing furry game, after only maybe doing 10% of the game i can say that i came quite a lot !
No, at the end of the free game so far (episode 7) theres a animated scene with Naira, and in episdoe 8 (the paid one) at the start of the game the celler gets a MASSIVE revamp and Naira gets a HUGE new animated scene
So. Yes there is an animated scene in the free version
My main poverty dude question is... will the final product be free, paid, or paid with events (certain discounts and I've seen thankfully some people do 100% off during things like birthdays and holidays)
There will be a gallery soon and the game has 100 episodes planned in 2 parts 50 episodes and 50 more, so till take a while (while is an understatement) it will go faster when the fucking war ends..
Dear developer a friend of mine asked me to leave this comment about your perfect game. Hope you'll be able to arrange it for him. "Dear developer. Please make the plot develop so that the main character marries Nair, she just confessed her love to him, and the main character fell in love with her himself and even admitted it, also defended her. I cried at this moment, I won't be able to sleep if I don't see in the plot that they are together and they have children, please do it, your game is amazing, I beg you, make this possible. Since Nair and I are at the beginning of the game, then make a sequel where the main character will be with her and marry her, they have a close relationship, please thank you in advance".
11 endings - pregnancy is just an option inside the ending. We’ll aim for 5 main characters first since not all girls are popular enough to get a full scenario with ending
Dear developer. Make it 100% possible to marry Naira, as well as the possibility of her pregnancy. If possible, the set of the game is amazing and I want to continue playing with my children, who will have the main character from Nair
← Return to cutest furry game
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After I finished the 7th episode, I uploaded the 8th episode. But my save file in episode 7 appeared to be corrupt. My records on episode 7 turned grey, and no matter how hard I tried to continue, it didn't work. how can i solve this problem
The reason it reset is because of the massive revamp of the first scene (the one with Naira) it's well worth it in my opinion, but there is some complicated 3rd party method to get your file back. However I doubt it's worth the trouble of not seeing the revamped scene
You were right. It’s really worth replaying Episode 8 from the start. I especially loved that Naira can get pregnant and that we have the option to allow or prevent it for a certain time. And also, this "Game Over" screen became a "Happy Ending" screen for me. 😋
Great! Have perfect experience with episode 8
You're right it looks like a happy ending screen when Naira looks kinda cute like that.
this reminds me of something
So will the hole game be free?
Sometime this summer episode 8 will most likely be free, but then after that you'll be able to purchase episode 9 then that cycle will most likely repeat to the end of its development, so maybe when the game is finish it will be free
okay thanks I just wanted to make sure. So the subs get it first and the free to play get it later?
Yes, thats how it works
Okay amazing
I really like your game ,keep the good work up ,but more recent updates would be better but I know you guys are facing rocket terror and electricity shortage so it's fine. May god help all the workers at Dicpic studios through hard times like these.
Thank you
Hello, could someone tell me how long the next update will be? It's been a year so I imagine it will have 1 hour of content.
Devs said it will be released on summer, and yes summer is almost over but they are under rocket terror and they have limited electricity because of the war.
Hello i played this game and the game quality is very good keep up wth the good work 😁
P. S. I enjoyed your game a lot!
Edit:will i keep the shells i earned as i have arond 75 shells
Thank you
i downloaded the free version, but the scenes aren't animated. is that a paid-version feature, or is my version messed up?
It is ok. There is an animated scene (only one) in the 8 episode. In the 7 episode, the scenes are static.
Edit: I put it wrong. In the game with the 8 episode, the first sex scene has been changed - it is not static. In the 7-episode version, all the scenes are static. Oh, no. I remembered: the sex scene with Naira on the beach is not static in both versions of the game.
Like drug dealer said, episode 8 revamped Nairas first scene to be animated, best scene in the game thus far in my opinion, and another animated is after dating Naira on the beach.
How to skate with Tara in the winter episode? Or what should I do to get a pickaxe?
The post with the episode download link also has video for the rink
How to Win the battle in Episode 8? Help me please
Make the maid embarrassed then troll anita then hit anita (repeat this till anitas naked) the constantly do actions with the maid to make anita lose intrest (repeat this like 4-7 times) by the way you can heal when making anita lose interest. Hope this helps you, reply to this message if you need help with phase 2
Thanks, bro. I passed this battle
No problem.
Actually fun and Sammy is very adorable i wanna cherish the small shopkeeper
im wondering if i support on patreon will i have acces to every new episode early or only to this one thats out(episode 8)
I'm pretty sure it depends on the tier but it should be every new episode early.
Wasnt expecting to like this gane as much as i did
I found a softlock, the talking part with Tara right before the date (the talking stage where I get a quest to light up fireplace). It will softlock if I hold tab (to speed dialogue) from the beginning.
My explanation is that she has a walking action, then turning in cycle to show her new outfit, then action to sit. But when I hold tab, it will trigger new action without ending the first action, therefore softlocking. (Idk im dumb but wanna help lol)
Ps I love this game, love the story, the girls and the theme. Dicpic is doing really good job. Also love dicpic's opinion on porn games, that they are underrated and not bad to society.
Thank you. As I understood from other people this bug happens randomly even without tab button but it’s rare so I couldn’t catch it.
Playing this game on quest 2 is wild
its hard
im stuck in the menu how do i get out
Its tricky but try double tapping a LOT
Hey DP studio you made a mistake. i think you meant get off of me not get out of me 💀
You too? I also played on vr
i wanted to see if it even worked. never guessed it would
Hey DP, just checking to make sure your okay and that nothing bad has happened
Bad keeps happening but we’re alive so it’s not too bad
Honestly just glad your managing to survive
where are the logs for the mission bad kitty strikes again
Watch this
Ask how to switch languages in the game ah
Кто-нибудь знает как пройти мини игру с мячами в эпизоде Хеллоуин ? Я пинал мячи в ящики, стоги сена, в персонажей. И не чего не происходит.
Translation: Does anyone know how to complete the mini game with balls in the Halloween episode? I kicked balls into boxes, haystacks, and characters. And nothing happens.
Answer: hit all of the people with the balls in a row (not a specific order) to win
I have one doubt. Why isn't the main character Naira pregnant? Or is it because the pink flower is the cure?
one fact is that human can never let wolves pregnant.I haven't thought about what the baby will be if it pregnant
(one more thing what is"the pink flower"?
The 5 pink flowers you need to collect at the start, before episode 8 you used them to heal but now that Naira has a 100% revamped scene it changed to birth control
okay,i knew
Pink flowers are essentially birth control
I believe that every character in the whole village probably has this flower with them.
Hey DP Studio. the menu doesn't work have the times i end up having to refresh the page and losing progress. maybe could you add an actual menu button?
If you didnt know the way to access the menu is clicking with 2 fingers at the same time
are their any other ways to buy this game besides itch?
Im pretty sure ive read there was, but unfortunately im not 100% sure
btw if i buy the bonus eps then i will got free download or nothing on next uptd eps9 ? i just asking hehe
when will the next update be i because i cant afford early access :<
Around summer
Summer ends August 31st for dic pic so around then
Happy 4th anniversary
i played the free episode 1-7 download.. gosh! i miss that grey wolf girl!~ but i already know what happens an i wish there was more of a thing for the game where you can breed the charactors over again rather than loading the last save before you end episode 1-7. this game i really liked alot and hope that dicpic keeps updating it!~~ i gotta wait till newer updates show before i redownload it an redo everything again~ course i dont remember seeing much girls in that download like dicpic said ive only seen the town which was three or four only.
there will be a way to re-watch scenes, soon (soon is a loose term) there will be a gallery (its not in episode 8)
W game and W developers
Unn Hi DicPic Studio
Hi DicPic Studio
Im clicking new game and nothing is happening
try it one more time
Double tap it
Hi. what engine is your game made on? I thought "RPG Maker", I wanted to open it through Translator++, like many others, but this application refuses me, referring to the fact that it does not use RPG Maker. It wouldn't be bad if you were prompted
It's obviously rpg maker
Which RPG Maker exactly?
It literally means the ending will be in the next episode
I have a question, how big is your studios team?
several people, some full time some just help us
If i pay 5 dollars do i have to pay another 5 if another episode comes ou
nope, remember your account or Email. But my advice is to get an account, this will remember what you already have paid for, but otherwise whenever you pay or donate for a game, you have to write your email as a reference
So for me it says updated 6 days ago, what was updated?
It’s solely page description
Okay, thank you! I hope things start to get better soon for you
i need help, i recently started playing the game, then i paid to get the full version, what do i do now ? should i extract the new 1-8 and press yes for everything or press no to everything so it keep the old files but add the new stuff ?, you probably got this question quite often
also amazing furry game, after only maybe doing 10% of the game i can say that i came quite a lot !
I recommend you reset your progress for episode 1-8, it is very much worth your time, thank me later.
Are the animated scenes only in the paid version?
No, at the end of the free game so far (episode 7) theres a animated scene with Naira, and in episdoe 8 (the paid one) at the start of the game the celler gets a MASSIVE revamp and Naira gets a HUGE new animated scene
So. Yes there is an animated scene in the free version
My main poverty dude question is... will the final product be free, paid, or paid with events (certain discounts and I've seen thankfully some people do 100% off during things like birthdays and holidays)
We’re only at the 9th episode of 50, so too early to think of it
okay then, I shall peacefully wait...
Wait, 50 episodes?!??!
hi , i wanted to know, when you complete the game is there a gallery ?
There will be a gallery soon and the game has 100 episodes planned in 2 parts 50 episodes and 50 more, so till take a while (while is an understatement) it will go faster when the fucking war ends..
? are you close to a war border ? and jesus
I'm no where close to the war border.
Our team lives in Kyiv
So about the Aubergine accident (or incident) mission, how am I supposed to receive the final reward.
Return the next night to see the "reward'
There will be cheats
Dear developer a friend of mine asked me to leave this comment about your perfect game. Hope you'll be able to arrange it for him. "Dear developer. Please make the plot develop so that the main character marries Nair, she just confessed her love to him, and the main character fell in love with her himself and even admitted it, also defended her. I cried at this moment, I won't be able to sleep if I don't see in the plot that they are together and they have children, please do it, your game is amazing, I beg you, make this possible. Since Nair and I are at the beginning of the game, then make a sequel where the main character will be with her and marry her, they have a close relationship, please thank you in advance".
Thank you. In the end each girl will have her own ending with marriage and optionally pregnancy
Now that seems like a great ending, thats like 20 endings aint it?
11 main girls
Would it also be possible to have a harem ending if you do all of their questlines?
Not harem, but special ending for 100% completion is possible
Ahh, 22 endings.
11 endings - pregnancy is just an option inside the ending. We’ll aim for 5 main characters first since not all girls are popular enough to get a full scenario with ending
Dear developer. Make it 100% possible to marry Naira, as well as the possibility of her pregnancy. If possible, the set of the game is amazing and I want to continue playing with my children, who will have the main character from Nair
He literally said "each girl" sooooo.. seeing how Naira is the main girl it seems like it already is 100%