We make episodes 10 and 11 in parallel to coming 9 (as they all should work together). Multiplied by one wicked neighbor country has launched a mass rocket attack on Kyiv right on Christmas, so now we have problems with heat and electricity again. I believe we will release update in January or so.
If you are playing through a computer, you should press the Esc button. she will erase this nickname and use the keyboard (namely the arrows and the space bar or the enter button, you can enter your nickname). If you are playing from your phone, then you should simply press the back button (there is an arrow on each phone (minimize the application, exit and back))
If it is also possible to completely remove horseguy from Halloween and make sex in the village only with the main character so that she is happy (without fantasies of big dildos, I beg you). there is also a question: in episode 8, will someone be able to get pregnant from the girls? Or something related to it
If you have episode 8, the first part of the game gets revamped, so after the scene, you need to find 5 flowers to give them instead of eating them to heal or else she'll get pregnant.
Also make it possible at the beginning of the game Irena, after winning, to give a choice where to fuck her in the vagina and also in her ass + make it possible where to cum (make it possible to have sex with her until we fill her holes)
No not mary I was talking irena 😅I know mary is a sheep. This game just so cool I love it but wait the green girl that guards the village are we going to have sex with her to or not and the queen
In the future we'll redesign Irena into a hyena as she canonically should be. The current version is temporary as we weren't sure on this character back then.
Make it possible to impregnate Irena after the battle and for her to go pregnant and it will be as a punishment for her (moreover, the game will continue and we will meet her in the future with children)
Dear developer, please make Naira a virgin in the game at the beginning, I really ask, this will play no small role in the passage for many (you can deprive her of her virginity on a date on the beach), also cut scenes where she said on the beach that she had not been a virgin for a long time + at the beginning of the game she gave a hint that we she liked it (and the fact that she is a virgin as well)
I'm guessing it was just in the heat of the moment or something? Because the 1st scene with the wolf chick was all over the place. 1st she loves your dick, then she's talking about wanting to take dick from all the humans, then she just wants your dick, then her loving you? Moving onto her thinking of a future and family, even I believe rubbing her belly. To her panicking about pregnancy. It's like what is happening? Went through an entire relationship in a matter of minutes. Is spastic dialogue like that a regular thing?
Please add the opportunity to have sex with the main character in the main scene on Halloween (also at the beginning when we are told that we are the winner in the game, there is also the opportunity to refuse the "main prize"). Also, please, if of course they pay attention to this, so that Naira in future episodes (we can choose) with whom she will have sex, for example, if she finds other furry guys in the plot who will offer her sex and that she answers that she is married to our main character! Please, I'm begging you. And in addition, when will episode 8 be released?
Is there a way for me to play just episode 8 because I played the first 7 on my web browser and now i got the app to play the 8th and i dont want to start from episode 1
Its worth it playing 1-8 from the beginning because Naira gets a full scene revamp. There is a way to continue but it's very complicated and you need a PC for it
I regret paying for this. It's got cool rpg elements but it takes forever to do anything. Town is way too big to have to go back and forth everywhere then sleep each time. And your movement is blocked everywhere for no reason by fences so it's annoying to go anywhere. The sex scene narration is verrrry long and the dialogue is rough. I was hoping for more fighting action and things like that, but I'm too bored to go on at this point. I don't want to catch a fish go to the inn go all the way back, catch a fish, go to the inn and so on. 😕
This may have also been because I was on mobile. I know some say it has a good story later on so take my review with a grain of salt.
We'll rebuild the village in the future, it's still a temporary version.
Fishing gameplay will be remastered in ep 9 so it's more entertaining.
The texts can be skipped by holding skip button in the corner if it's not your thing, however the lengthy scenes are intended for the slow and passionate mood.
Yhe dialogues will be reviewed for grammar over time. I believe our current text level has quite improved.
Hello, this is a member of the Brazilian public. It will be translated into Portuguese because it is very difficult to advance in the story having to translate line by line every time.
← Return to cutest furry game
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New to this game but love it! Great work!! Hope everyone had the best possible Christmas they could and let's end this year strong!
Thank you. Happy new year
What happend to my save. It gone.
Saves go randomly whilst using the website.
where's the update? =(
I am just a member, i don't know anymore than you guys do. from my understanding the update MIGHT come out by the end of the year.
We make episodes 10 and 11 in parallel to coming 9 (as they all should work together). Multiplied by one wicked neighbor country has launched a mass rocket attack on Kyiv right on Christmas, so now we have problems with heat and electricity again. I believe we will release update in January or so.
Please Stay Strong! Slava Ukraini!!
Good luck over there, dp
I want everything to be in order and the next world to be calm for everyone.
how do i get the fishing rod the chest up stream is a normal chest
there is a second towards the back behind Mary's house. Took me a lil bit to find too
Merry Christmas my wolves ▼•ᴥ•▼
you Too !
im stuck in episode 7 and cant continue ;-;
public version?
Pubic version?? If your talking about episode 8 you can buy it. Episode 8 will be free when episode 9 releases
When will the bonus episode be available? Cause I already own a copy of the game
Is the Christmas bonus episode only available for patreons?
Yeah, it's exclusive
It's KIMA!👹
Merry Christmas. I hope you are all well
Merry Christmas, and to you too!
Hey guys could you help me? i cant find the bad girl.
Never mind i got her
Someone can help me? I can't find Naira's house.
Naira is in the cellar at the start of the game
Thank you
No problem
This master piece✓
What are you supposed to do with the This is Halloween episode Where should I search and where should I go?
First finish the water maze exiting through the same door you entered
when the episode 9 will be released
Its planned to release by the end of the year, however, it might not.
Hey myst ery why is the browser version of this game still chapter 7? Thought it would be chapter 8.
as of now, you need to purchase episode 8. It will become free when episode 9 releases.
Ah. I see. Ok then.
why so long iam bored
and are we will play it from the beginning after the update? please not
You will need to restart because Nairas scene is revemped
please, can you add a quick start/ chapter selection option, i hate replaying intro everytime i get back in incognito tab...
a gallery function is planned
download the game, your progress will be saved
The first Scene with the wolf Girl wasnt animated for it was just pictures is it supposed to be like that since on the site it shows an animation
You need to have episode 1-8 (you currently need to buy it) then first scene is revamped.
Ahh okay thanks for the info
No problem
If you are playing through a computer, you should press the Esc button. she will erase this nickname and use the keyboard (namely the arrows and the space bar or the enter button, you can enter your nickname). If you are playing from your phone, then you should simply press the back button (there is an arrow on each phone (minimize the application, exit and back))
tap with both fingers at the same time!
Click in two places on the screen
Cuando saldra el capitulo 8 gratis?
Existe la posibilidad de que sea gratis a finales de año, cuando salga el episodio 9.
de este año o del siguiente?
If it is also possible to completely remove horseguy from Halloween and make sex in the village only with the main character so that she is happy (without fantasies of big dildos, I beg you). there is also a question: in episode 8, will someone be able to get pregnant from the girls? Or something related to it
The scene is planned to change to John instead of the horse
You can get Naira pregnant in episode 1-8 after the scene in the cellar, however if you don't give her the flowers you'll get a game over screen.
Wait what??? Explain me in detail please. I mean Naira
If you have episode 8, the first part of the game gets revamped, so after the scene, you need to find 5 flowers to give them instead of eating them to heal or else she'll get pregnant.
What if I want her to get pregnant? And what happens if she gets pregnant? Is the game over? (I wish I didn't)
It is planned that all main girls will have pregnancy and no pregnancy endings at the very end of the game.
Also make it possible at the beginning of the game Irena, after winning, to give a choice where to fuck her in the vagina and also in her ass + make it possible where to cum (make it possible to have sex with her until we fill her holes)
Just waiting for ep 9 I beat the others like a pice of cake I hope we have more sex with the bunny girl in ep 9👌
Bunny girl? Theres no bunny girl in the game right now, your probably talking about Mary, the sheep girl
No not mary I was talking irena 😅I know mary is a sheep. This game just so cool I love it but wait the green girl that guards the village are we going to have sex with her to or not and the queen
Oh, haha! (Not gonna lie I thought Irena was a doe like Lina)
There is a scene planned with the lizard girl (guard) and same with Helena (queen)
In the future we'll redesign Irena into a hyena as she canonically should be. The current version is temporary as we weren't sure on this character back then.
Shes a hyena?!?!?! Wow.. first i thought she was a doe for the longest time, then bunny for a bit, and now its confirmed that shes a hyena. Neet
Make it possible to impregnate Irena after the battle and for her to go pregnant and it will be as a punishment for her (moreover, the game will continue and we will meet her in the future with children)
ok can't wait to see 👍🏾Good luck
I was looking at the tail It looked like a bunny tail they should make her a bunny girl instead It would look nice
We've already started making a scene for Helena and people like the drafts.
Nice nice
Dear developer, please make Naira a virgin in the game at the beginning, I really ask, this will play no small role in the passage for many (you can deprive her of her virginity on a date on the beach), also cut scenes where she said on the beach that she had not been a virgin for a long time + at the beginning of the game she gave a hint that we she liked it (and the fact that she is a virgin as well)
I'm guessing it was just in the heat of the moment or something? Because the 1st scene with the wolf chick was all over the place. 1st she loves your dick, then she's talking about wanting to take dick from all the humans, then she just wants your dick, then her loving you? Moving onto her thinking of a future and family, even I believe rubbing her belly. To her panicking about pregnancy. It's like what is happening? Went through an entire relationship in a matter of minutes. Is spastic dialogue like that a regular thing?
Please add the opportunity to have sex with the main character in the main scene on Halloween (also at the beginning when we are told that we are the winner in the game, there is also the opportunity to refuse the "main prize"). Also, please, if of course they pay attention to this, so that Naira in future episodes (we can choose) with whom she will have sex, for example, if she finds other furry guys in the plot who will offer her sex and that she answers that she is married to our main character! Please, I'm begging you. And in addition, when will episode 8 be released?
They will replace the horse guy with john in the future, and episode it will be out whrn episode 9 is (maybe by the end of the year)
Is there a way for me to play just episode 8 because I played the first 7 on my web browser and now i got the app to play the 8th and i dont want to start from episode 1
Its worth it playing 1-8 from the beginning because Naira gets a full scene revamp. There is a way to continue but it's very complicated and you need a PC for it
How to consume plant on android
Here you go!
I regret paying for this. It's got cool rpg elements but it takes forever to do anything. Town is way too big to have to go back and forth everywhere then sleep each time. And your movement is blocked everywhere for no reason by fences so it's annoying to go anywhere. The sex scene narration is verrrry long and the dialogue is rough. I was hoping for more fighting action and things like that, but I'm too bored to go on at this point. I don't want to catch a fish go to the inn go all the way back, catch a fish, go to the inn and so on. 😕
This may have also been because I was on mobile. I know some say it has a good story later on so take my review with a grain of salt.
We'll rebuild the village in the future, it's still a temporary version.
Fishing gameplay will be remastered in ep 9 so it's more entertaining.
The texts can be skipped by holding skip button in the corner if it's not your thing, however the lengthy scenes are intended for the slow and passionate mood.
Yhe dialogues will be reviewed for grammar over time. I believe our current text level has quite improved.
how do I beat the first level?
Chinese players really need Chinese!Using a translator is really troublesome!
When do you go launch the free version to the Episodes 8?(Im portuguese)
When episode 9 releases episode 8 will become free (POTENTIALLY by the end of the year)
How do I begin the quest after meeting naria at the bon fire to unlock the Halloween episode
Just keep using the bonfire till eventually she talks to you.
I already talked to her at the bon fire I'm trying to figure out what to do to unlock the quest after she talks to you at the bon fire
Ooooh, go to the book in your house then use it
Where do I find my house at
near Sammy's shop
Hey DicPic everything alright over there?
Alright is not a fitting word. Let's say not much worse than it was
Good luck.
Idk whats going on but I hope things get better soon
你好!目前画廊在游戏中不可用,但是,如果你在 patreon 中,你可以访问画廊
是的,但是它不在第 8 集,这意味着我们最快可能在第 9 集看到它。
When's the next update
Episode 8 will potentially be free by the end of the year
Does anyone know how Mary's mission goes?
I just 100% 1-7 (i think) and i have 1 question; 1. When will episode 8 come out?
It's hopefully gonna be free by the end of the year (it's not guaranteed)
Very nice
Hello, this is a member of the Brazilian public. It will be translated into Portuguese because it is very difficult to advance in the story having to translate line by line every time.