Hello, DicPic Studio. Nice to talk to you again. My previous jierf account couldn't be logged in for some reason, but today is my birthday and I didn't lie. I really like DicPic Studio and this game. I like the characters, plot, and game tasks in this game not because it has special reward plots. I am working harder to learn English and hope to develop my career in the United States in the future. Finally, I wish DicPic Studio a smooth life. I am looking forward to your reply
Hey DicPic, are you ok? I've noticed you haven't visited in 4 days (atleast 4 days since your last post/response) just checking in, I and many other hope you and your team are doing well.
You can sell it for 50 shells and if didn't do the Sammy quest u can use the shell for buy the potion or if u did the Sammy quest u can save it for governor quest!
I haven’t done it in a while so I forgot how exactly but you have to look around the scene as Naira, Im pretty sure, trying to find a pile of logs and a piece of rope. You need to talk to the guy running the weapons shop to help you move the logs and build the bridge. Once ur Lina walk across the bridge and open it.
I understand that we need to be patient and that you guys are still, Literally, under a war zone, so production and testing is a little more slower than previously scheduled, but how soon do you plan to release Episode 9 to the public?
I have a question. If I have already purchased the current version of the game and you update to the new version. Do I still have to buy the new version of the game?
I might’ve not searched hard enough, but is it possible to export my save file from the browser version and somehow import it to the exe version? I don’t mind having a complicated process, I just want my save file😭😭 And I don’t wanna go from the start too omg
so for the halloween episode (or episode7), im not sure how to get the ticket. i built the bridge to the chest and im not sure how to open that either. any help anyone?
Just redownload after every new update (redownload the purchase not buy it again) as far as i know you can just Install the new payed update without buying again, so in a simple answer: no you don't need to re-buy
Episode 6 with Naira is animated same with Revamped beginning when you get episode 8 (when you download the episode 8 the first scene is revamped, no episode 8 scene is animated) and in the upcoming episode 9 will have all scenes animated.
*Sigh* I suffer trying to figure out to increase my dating skills, I've ran through the town like 500 times without any clue what to do. I cant find anything.
if I buy the $5 episode 1-8 and play on my save file from the free version will everything be okay or will I have to restart? I finished the mission where you build the house and get rapped by the gov.
So I guess that means I'll have to restart. IS there any chance there is an option to go straight to Episode 8 or willI have to play through the entire thing? Also your doing a great job
Oh, and one more question. After doing the Sammy mission I chose the troll option and her only dialouge is "get lost!" of that the end of her dialouge for the episode
The reason its the end is because you picked troll unfortunately, if you chose the other option youd be able to view the scene again however seeing as how gallery is coming soon its not even close to worth making a new save like I did..
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Hello, DicPic Studio. Nice to talk to you again. My previous jierf account couldn't be logged in for some reason, but today is my birthday and I didn't lie. I really like DicPic Studio and this game. I like the characters, plot, and game tasks in this game not because it has special reward plots. I am working harder to learn English and hope to develop my career in the United States in the future. Finally, I wish DicPic Studio a smooth life. I am looking forward to your reply
Thank you. Good luck in the US
Thank you^ ω^
Yo DicPic
When will ya release the episode 9 around summer?
There is no exact date but it was stated "during summer"
Hey DicPic, are you ok? I've noticed you haven't visited in 4 days (atleast 4 days since your last post/response) just checking in, I and many other hope you and your team are doing well.
Join discord, I’m writing there more often
I've already tried that by joining the patron. Do I need to pay for the tiers? Or what.
Yeah, server is for Patrons only from one dollar. Users are added and removed automatically
Oh ok
Is it better to play on here or on Newgrounds?
There probably isnt a difference.
theres a little overlooked detail, where governer stands before the scene starts there no carpet, then when the scene starts a red carpet appears.

Can you do anything with the emerald found in Naira’s cellar or the item found in the chest on the island during the Halloween episode?
You can sell it for 50 shells and if didn't do the Sammy quest u can use the shell for buy the potion or if u did the Sammy quest u can save it for governor quest!
Oh ok, thanks. Do you about the second item? The one from the Halloween episode?
Oh the one in the chest? If yes can u telln me how to go at chest and how open it?
I haven’t done it in a while so I forgot how exactly but you have to look around the scene as Naira, Im pretty sure, trying to find a pile of logs and a piece of rope. You need to talk to the guy running the weapons shop to help you move the logs and build the bridge. Once ur Lina walk across the bridge and open it.
yo dicpic when the nest update
They said "during summer" (episode 8 will be free when your able to buy episode 9)
Did u make the screen shot at the hour on the phone??
Oh i think i know what you mean, yes i did take that screenshot at 8:02.
just buy it its 2 bucks
On Patreon it’s 1 dollar…
Dude.... it only 1 bucks.... why not support DicPic?
Its one dollar....
I'm Cheap, OK?!
How open quests at mobile
Press with two fingers on the screen and then you should only need to click on the quest log.
Would I get in trouble for saying the n word hard r in chat??
Most likely, and unless you plan on getting yourself possibly banned, you won't say it. k?
Why wouldn't you be able to say Naira?
I don’t see anything bad in saying Naira. However if you mention Lina it may sound offensive
Oh yeah good point
Saint Pepe loves you, Anon-kun.
Hey DicPic, i was wondering how i could possibly help with anything, i just want to do whatever i can to help you :3
Thank you, but there’s not much that can be done. Last day the electricity was off for three times, it’s hard to work like that
Understandable, if theres anything that can be done to help i think i can speek for a lot of us here when i say we are happy to help
And your not wrong at all
When is ep. 8 :(
They said soon.. but idk how much soon :(
It should be out this summer
I understand that we need to be patient and that you guys are still, Literally, under a war zone, so production and testing is a little more slower than previously scheduled, but how soon do you plan to release Episode 9 to the public?
During summer
Ah, ok. Well then, I'll leave you to it. 😉
Is there a way to visit or go back to old scenes without having to start a new save?
Only like Sammy's scene, and Nairas beach scene, Lina's motel if you don't have shells, Tara's scene, Halloween scenes too.
when can we have sex w/ Sammy>:)?
Next scene is planned
nice, i'm looking forward to seeing that:D
fu*k Gov
you get your getback in the new episode im pretty sure.
If your talking about episode 8.. nah but maybe episode 9 idk
ep 10
100/100 I would recommend this game.
Thank you
give me Episode 8 or I’m hanging myself
Bro don't do it if u hanging ur self u will never play ep 8
🤦♂️just be patient its a fucking porn game dont kill yourself over it.
I’ve never seen someone hanging themselves over something that can be bought for one dollar 😬
chat I did it now I’m dead this is my ghost typing
Hell nah everyone type F in chat
By the way cool pfp
It’s so sad that someone died and will never see the remastered cellar scene with Naira 😢
Honestly amazing scene. 10000/10 well worth the $5
Most definitely.
I have a question. If I have already purchased the current version of the game and you update to the new version. Do I still have to buy the new version of the game?
You can just update if you bought it already.
Is this true? I always wrongly thought that I would buy it again when there was an update. Thank you for telling me.
No problem, I also thought that before someone confirmed this
Hi, I'm someone
I might’ve not searched hard enough, but is it possible to export my save file from the browser version and somehow import it to the exe version? I don’t mind having a complicated process, I just want my save file😭😭 And I don’t wanna go from the start too omg
One guy explained it in the comments some day, so it’s possible but complicated
Trust me, restarting is 100% worth it i can not stress how perfect Nairas Revamped scene is, and you'll know what to do.
You made the Governor sad
You expect me to give a damn about some game character's feelings?! I have five words for this. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!
(Underverse reference)
I see she whooped your ass pretty rough 😬
Me (Equips the Glock) Oh I don't think that's ever going to happen again.
The only advice I can give when pointing a gun at Governor is to cut down the front sight first. And you don’t wanna know why
I never knew that would happen trying to say no to gov
is worse u get bitch slapped a bunch and she squeezes tf outta ur bawls
she does that normally
Not when she gets stuck ;)
Does anyone know if the episodes will ever be free after a while. I'm broke.( i just don't have any money on my account.)
Yeah they said the episode 8 would be free soon, when episode 9 goes out.
But idk when. :/
It's probably going to be the same wait as 2.2 for geometry dash
chat episode 8 when?
My commanding officer would not approve. For the lol's I swear!
this is what it shows
Meanwhile we’ve made full shading for Lina’s third scene 😎
Hell yeah
when I try to play after downloading it won’t load or says something is missing
Is your internet on? Or are you using cell signal
it says a shader is missin
yeah but it just says random stuff, so if your internet isn't on, then I don't think you'd be able to play (atleast that was the case for my device)
my internet is on ill send a screenshot hold on
Hmm........ then im not to sure but ill try to help you, what device do you use?
so for the halloween episode (or episode7), im not sure how to get the ticket. i built the bridge to the chest and im not sure how to open that either. any help anyone?
Post screenshots
How you built it??
it's an Easter egg, if you haven't completed water maze exit through the same door you entered
If I buy episode 8 or any new episode in the future, will I be able to access the next episode that comes out for free, or would I have to rebuy it?
Just redownload after every new update (redownload the purchase not buy it again) as far as i know you can just Install the new payed update without buying again, so in a simple answer: no you don't need to re-buy
Correct, at top of the page you can re-download it for free at the most updated version as long as you bought it at one point.
thanks you ^-^
Are the animated scenes only on the PC version? Or do they just not happen till later in the game?
Episode 6 with Naira is animated same with Revamped beginning when you get episode 8 (when you download the episode 8 the first scene is revamped, no episode 8 scene is animated) and in the upcoming episode 9 will have all scenes animated.
oh very nice! Thanks for letting me know, looking forward to it :)
no problem :)
This..... is a unneeded amount of views for how to eat some flowers
Fr 😂😂
Unfortunately, most people don't play porn games on mobile
Well the version are close to the same, I just made that because someone needed help with the flowers on mobile.
i can't find no hospital
please help me
nvm had to go to it while daytime LOL
someone misspelt the description for kitty's ax as," Wanna cut some tries." its trees not tries
How do I get the home sweet hole achievement. Because I got the house I got raped by the governor but still didn't get it.
Thats the end of the game until episode 8
Alr thanks
Is there a walkthrough of the game
You can find some in myst ERY YouTube channel.
I can't find the YouTube channel.
No, i dont have a walk though I just make videos with problems or questions people have, but good idea
Make video about getting wood. It might be gold mine.
well, I'm gonna be honest, I don't even know what to do there.
*Sigh* I suffer trying to figure out to increase my dating skills, I've ran through the town like 500 times without any clue what to do. I cant find anything.
Finish the date with Tara
Oh, I found her field, thank you!
if I buy the $5 episode 1-8 and play on my save file from the free version will everything be okay or will I have to restart? I finished the mission where you build the house and get rapped by the gov.
Ep 8 has remastered intro so saves don't work for this one
So I guess that means I'll have to restart. IS there any chance there is an option to go straight to Episode 8 or willI have to play through the entire thing? Also your doing a great job
The bigger part of the new content is in the beginning
Oh, and one more question. After doing the Sammy mission I chose the troll option and her only dialouge is "get lost!" of that the end of her dialouge for the episode
The reason its the end is because you picked troll unfortunately, if you chose the other option youd be able to view the scene again however seeing as how gallery is coming soon its not even close to worth making a new save like I did..
hello devs
I'm kind of wondering, are all the scenes animated?
Not all are animated just episode 6 final scene and also episode 8 beginning, not to mention all scenes from now on are being animated.
where i can find the ep6
thank you btw love your game
Episode 6 is the date with Naira, also im not the creator lol just a big fan
Got a date when episode 9 exits?
I mean the day release
a year, a month, a week of a day?
I believe i read "in the upcoming month" (something alonh those lines) but i cant find it .