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Good evening! I have a question. Can I change the language in the game? I found the "locale" folder with various language files, but I don't know how I can use them.


No, these are technical files 

Do you know when the episode will be free?

The episode will be free when episdoe 9 gets released (you'll need to pay for episode 9 when it's out) 

Thank you😁

Oh thank you

Hi i need some help im stuck in episode 7 my last quest is home sweet hole it says ending in next episode but i dont know how to get there

Hello! What it means by ending in the next episode is that you can finish the quest when you get episode 8 (you currently need to pay for it)

Well, it's a great game, the story and graphics are great, ok, I want to ask the developers, will other languages be added in the later stage of game development?


Thanks. Maybe in the future. Which language you want?

(2 edits) (+4)



Translation: "Hmm... How about adding Chinese? It will be very helpful for some Chinese players."

I still keep getting froze in web when i am in my first date.

install the game ?

So, uhh I'm probably quite stupid for asking this but how do i move on to episode 2? Ive finished everything there is and now my save file has nothing left on episode one and when i go to the book it brings me to episode 7 any reason why?

There is no indication that youve moved to the next episode, in other words: your never told (aside from episode 7)

What are you talking about? No, I've finished episode 1 and now want to move on to episode to but don't know how. Any tips?

You're already done with the game if your able to go to episode 7 (unless you have 1-8), the game doesn't tell you you're in the next episode, so for example after the scene with Naira the next episode starts without indication

Oh sorry, i didnt get what you meant before so what do i do for the gov's quest when it says will be continuef in next episode?

You need episode 1-8 (you need to pay for it currently)

I bought it a long time ago but I can't download it to my mobile ☹️


It should work on all Android phones. Apple doesn't allow nsfw games

Yes it works but i have to pay again

Will there be more episodes

There is more planned and one MIGHT come by the end of the year, however they're production is slow and interrupted due to being in Ukraine.


Ah i see thank

I'm guessing the answer is no, but are there any animated scenes?

(1 edit)

Theres 2, revamped Naira scene for episode 1-8 (in the cellar) and in episode 1-7 at the beach Naira has another animated scene.




I hope when they redo the Halloween scene with the main prize, then when there is a button where "Naira is a good girl" if you click there, she will leave again but will meet John and he will be her prize

yo guys can i get a little help? where is the hospital and cellar

Hospital is to the right of the inn and the cellar is where you first meet Naira

It even became interesting whether it would be possible to interact with the girl from the hospital

It doesn’t save

if your on CPU/PC, you have to press the X key on your keyboard. and if your on Mobile/Tablet. you have to double tap your screen and you would be able to see the option to save. (i hope this helped)


Also web version has issues with saving as many rpg maker games - downloadable version works fine


The game is great and all but there's just one problem.. i have bad memory, so i would tend to forget who is who by their names which would take me a little longer to complete quests... but regardless, this game was good enough to have me playing this almost everyday since really i have no other games that really interest me. Great game, Great creator, Great updates.


Thank you a lot


The best game with a touching story that I have played and will continue to play! (make it possible to support the author except for the patreon, for example boosty application)


Thank you. Maybe we’ll have subscribestar

I will be glad to support the project


w game



if someone can help me I can use the healing exlicers in the fight and I am on mobile if anyone can help me :(

and I don’t know if it’s a glitch

if you are stuck in the menu then double finger tap to go back. if thats not the problem then try contacting Myst ery

Hello! To use healing items you need to double tap like you using the menu or using items in the overworld. I can make a detailed guide if this doesn't help you.

I can help, just DM me on Discord:

afhs18teiasalt for a quick video showing how 

I sent one


This is one of the best game! I hope the war will end soon, so you can keep undating. :)


Thank you


I will pray for you and your family to thrive. It must be hard being in this situation with the war going on


thank you. It's hell

(1 edit)

Just asking, how do I start the Halloween sequence?(On phone episode 1-7 this is Halloween)

Have fun!

How do I use the flowers to heal? ( On phone btw)

Here you go


Even if I'm from Russia, I really love this game. I've always been looking for a game with a very drawn-out and at the same time dramatic plot where there are declarations of love and at the same time unexplored secrets. I wish you a clear sky and as much as possible to be inspired by the continuation of the plot. I hope you will think about the birth of every girl we marry (I would still like the option to marry everyone as well as children from everyone) and arrange new hikes through the unexplored territories of furry girls, but at the same time with girls' children


All 11 main girls should have marriage ending with optional pregnancy. Maybe in the future we'll make another part where the children of current characters have grown up and moved to the human world.


I don't want people to bully, especially scientists, the children of our main character. Please make it so that they can be free in the human world and the military protects them at all costs and so that they can return to their island at any time without being watched by people and remain in secret


No one will conduct experiments on them, they'll just live freely among humans 

I hope they won't mate with humans, but at least just live there.

Дорогий Розробник. Зроби будь ласка після того як закінчиш основний сюдет зробити на початку гри вибір, де Naira буде незайманою і де немає, там де немає, буде основний сюжет як зараз, а там де незаймана то там буде чу-трохи інший сюжет на початку а також під час весілля де вона не говорить що вона позбулася невинності під час побачення на пляжі. Дуже тебе прошу, гра просто вогонь

How to defeat Anita and Maid in the jungle? I need help with phase 2

Every time I play for a few min the game froze and i can't do anything


Is it web version? If the downloadable version keeps lagging it may be device issue

(1 edit)

Yeah, is the web

Hello, a question, has anyone heard anything about the game again or if they already abandoned it, they said that they were going to release chapter 9 around this time on Patreon, but I haven't heard anything about the game again. Could you please explain to me?

Hello! DicPic is in a very.. unfavorable position, if you didn't know, they are in Ukraine with missiles raining daily. He said they would like to release episode 9 out by end of the year, to be exact, he said: I hope we'll be able to finish the update by the end of the year but no promises"

How to defeat Anita and the Maid in the jungle? I need help with phase 2

If there is an opportunity, when they finish with the main plot someday, can they make 2 scenarios where Naira and the rest of the many will be virgins? It was just a shame to even hear a little bit that Naira is not a virgin on the beach, yes, I understand that you can't do without sex and few people can last long but endure 4 years, I think everyone can + make the opportunity to refuse to go to the main prize in the Halloween episode

You can refuse the main prize in the halloween episode

And how can I refuse the main prize on Halloween? Should I say that Naira is a good girl or is there another way? If so, describe it to me

Yes, pick the option that says something like "No! Naira is a good girl"


I guess in the future we will remove this scene according to the results of the poll on patreon:


Thank you very much, hooray!!

(1 edit)

how do I defeat the girl that steals the crown

how to defeat the girl that steals your crown. you go to Naira in the Cellar. once you've done that, Naira would then notice you've been injured/you have 1 HP. she would then give you 4 Health Elixirs and would let you look in her arsenal (the chest) for anything you could use to defeat the girl who stole your crown with. once you've done that, you'll then have a Whip stored in your Inventory. you can use the Whip to defeat the girl with the crown. and once you've done all of that, you can now leave the cellar. and once you've done that, you'll have to fight the girl with the crown again. you then would have to tear off her clothes in order to lower her concentration so she wouldn't be able to dodge your attacks anymore. and you would most likely have to use all of the Health Elixirs during the fight. and once you've done all of that correctly, she would then run off into a hiding spot and you would have to find her. she would do this 3 or 4 times. once you've done that, you would then corner her in one of the hiding spots and proceed to fuck her. and once your finished with that, you would obtain the crown she stole from you. that's pretty much all i know and i hope this was useful.

but it won’t let me click on the heal potion and I am playing on iPad

You should click on the items above before the potion

How to defeat Anita and Maid in the jungle?


make anita get naked by embarrassing the maid, trolling anita then whipping her, (do this till shes fully naked) For phase 1.5 do actions with the maid to make anita lose intrest (repeat this like 4-7 times) by the way you can heal when making anita lose interest. Hope this helps you. reply to this message if you need help with phase 2

What Anita and what 2 phase?

This is the episode 8 fight

Will there be battles against girls again?



dicpic ive been waiting so long where is the update😥


Sorry but we can't work with my house shaking from explosions. I hope we'll be able to finish the update by the end of the year but no promises 


Be careful out there man


Непогано зроблено! 👍

P.s – Надіюсь що секс анімацію для кожного персонажа зробите)


Дякую. Для всiх основних дiвчат буде.


why just why I hate this 


Sucks for you.


Why playing ?


Feeling hateful towards a computer game on internet is not a normal experience. I mean people obviously like and dislike games, but hate is in general wrong feeling towards something like it. The reason you feel this way lies beyond this game or any other, and I advise you to work this issue through for your own good.


does the bonus episode have spoilers of the other episodes?

(1 edit)

I've done the first date with naira and gotten the house and stuff, how to I go to the next episode?

If you have the "ending in the next episode" and your in episode 1-7 (free version as of now) you need episode 1-8 (paid version) to finish it

wait so what am I supposed to do now, is an episode only a few missions or something?

Your probably done with the game, there is no episode transition so you wouldn't know when the next episode starts.

Well that's unfortunate, that means episode 1-6 is just a few quests, and then episode 7 is a quick bonus quest.

any idea how to download the game on mac?

Only for windows and android

U Can use a Android or windows launcher 😉


Hey dicpic you safe over there you have our prayers for your safety



Estou no início do game e me perdi depois de achar a "mulher -lobo" nas tumbas

Olá! Parece que você se perdeu depois de encontrar Naira ("wolfgirl"), posso ajudá-lo depois da cena com ela, saia do porão e encontre 5 flores rosas, dependendo se você tem o episódio 1-7 ou 1-8, o uso muda. No episódio 1-7, coma-as, no episódio 1-8, dê-as para Naira 


wait was this made in rpg maker or something or is it just the same style?

It was made from rpg maker

ok that makes sense

Any clue on how to get the final reward?

go to lina House but afternoon

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